Outline and evaluate the multi-store model

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Long term memory

Capacity: unlimited

Duration: unlimited

Encoding: semantic

Forgetting interference/decay

Short term memory

Capacity: limited

Duration: very limited

Encoding: acoustic

Forgetting displacement

Sensory memory

Capacity: unlimited

Duration: very limited

Encoding: senses




Environmental stimuli

Maintenance rehearsal

Information retrieval


The multi-store model was suggested by Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968). They imagined memory as a flow chart. At each stage of the process, there are limitations in terms of Capacity, duration and encoding.

Sensory memory: a set of limited capacity and holds information for a very brief period of time.

Short-term memory: a temporary store where small amounts of information can be kept for brief periods. The information can be lost easily.

Long-term memory: a permanent store where limitless amounts of information can be stored for a long time.

Capacity: the amount of information that can be held in the memory at one time.

Duration: the length of time that memories can be held

Encoding: the way that the information is represented in the memory store e.g. sound, meaning or image.

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Many experiments tested how long information could last in the short-term memory, Jacobs/miller for example conducted an experiment with letters, they randomly listed 15 letters and asked participants to recall all 15 in order, other participants were then asked to recall 5 chunks of three word but with the same letters, they then put the letters into recognisable words and asked different participants to remember. They found that people could only remember seven plus or minus two; this was then called the magic number seven. Peterson and Peterson also conducted an experiment testing the short term memory and the multi-store ...

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