Outline and evaluate two methods of stress management

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Outline and evaluate two methods of stress management.

One physiological method of treatment is Biofeedback. Physiological methods help people cope with the effects of stress by changing the way the body responds to it. With biofeedback the aim is to teach the client how to relax. The person learns how to regulate the symptoms of stress in real-life stressful situations.

        There are 4 steps involved. Firstly, the person is attached to a machine that monitors the body’s response to stressors and then gives feed back on heart rate and blood pressure etc. The person then learns to control these symptoms and reduce the effect that stress has on the blood pressure etc. They may learn to take deep breaths which slows down the heart rate and makes them feel relaxed. Relaxation acts as a reward and encourages the person to repeat this as an involuntary action. As a final step the person is then taught to use this in a real life stressful situation.

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        It has been discovered that biofeedback is especially useful on children and teenagers where a drug therapy would not have been suitable. Children who went through biofeedback have gained control over the symptoms of stress such as migraines and also showed an increase in enthusiasm and more positive attitudes. It is also an effective treatment as it aims to treat the cause of the problem as well as the symptoms. It can give clients a greater sense of control over themselves as well which can have much longer lasting benefits. Another advantage would be that it has no side-effects or ...

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Like many student essays, this one stops short of the main point. There needs to be a final analysis and evaluation leading to a conclusion: So which is better - biofeedback or stress inoculation? This could be decided by assessing what advantages and disadvantages they share e.g. lack of side effects, no addiction, costly and time consuming, proven effectiveness. These can then be compared with the differences e.g. biological & behavioural vs cognitive approaches, focus on symptoms vs cause of stress etc. Given this, stress inoculation wins because it does address the root cause - the perception of threat, whereas biofeedback just deals with the biological response. Overall then, 3 stars.