Outline and evaluate two or more therapies used in the treatment of schizophrenia.

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Treating Schizophrenia

‘Therapies can be time-consuming and, in some cases, uncomfortable for the client. It is, therefore, very important to offer the most appropriate and effective type of treatment.’

Outline and evaluate two or more therapies used in the treatment of schizophrenia.

Different people choose different therapies for schizophrenia because the difference in treatments is so vast with different levels of intensity and effectiveness. Treatments are usually selected by which the patient feels most comfortable with. There are two main types of therapies, Biological and Psychological.

Antipsychotic medication is a biological therapy. These are drugs that are effective in treating the most disturbing forms of psychotic illness such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Antipsychotic medication helps the person with the disorder function as well as possible in their life. Conventional antipsychotics (for example chlorpromazine) are used primarily to combat the positive symptoms of schizophrenia such as hallucinations. The basic mechanism of conventional antipsychotics is to reduce the effects of dopamine and so reduce the symptoms of schizophrenia, hence their alter ego, dopamine antagonists. They bind to dopamine receptors but do not stimulate them, thus blocking their action. By reducing stimulation of the dopamine system in the brain, antipsychotics can eliminate the bad symptoms such as hallucinations. Atypical antipsychotic drugs (such as clozapine) also combat these positive symptoms but there are claims that they also have beneficial effects on negative symptoms as well. These antipsychotics also act on the dopamine system but are thought to block serotonin receptors in the brain as well. They help by only temporarily occupying the dopamine receptors and then rapidly dissociating to allow normal dopamine transmission.

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It is commonly thought that conventional antipsychotics are more effective than atypical ones. This is due to the studies conducted into them showing that in comparison to a placebo pill they are significantly effective. However the is a possibility that the patient may experience some undesired side effects such as tardive dyskinesia. This is when the patient gets uncontrollable movements of the lips, tongue, face, hands and feet. About 30% of people taking antipsychotics will develop tardive and it is irreversible in 75% of those cases. As well as this, the claim that atypical antipsychotics are particularly effective with the ...

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The Quality of Written Communication is very high. It is clear this candidate has taken great care in their written expression and have ensured that errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation are kept to a minimum. The use of psychological terminology will indicate to the examiner the candidate is comfortable with analysing psychology using the language of the professionals.

The level of Analysis is brilliant, and is indicative of an A grade candidate for A Level. There is a balanced discussion about the positives and negatives of both treatments, biological and psychological, with a number of evaluative points raised for each. The use of studies is excellent, which each being useful for the progression of the analysis and each one providing empirical evidence for the discussion. Overall this is a very strong essay.

This is a very good essay, and primarily so because it breaks free of the typical prescriptive evaluation format most psychology essay questions restrict the candidate's to. Prescriptive psychology essays are not likely to be penalised, but a response such as the one above is likely to allow the examiner to retain more interest due to it's more fluid writing style. The candidate demonstrates a clear ability to outline and evaluate (perhaps doing quite a bit more than a simple outline for the biological treatments of schizophrenia) two different treatments for a psychotic disorder, and gives the impression of an expert due to their appropriate and accurate usage of highly complex psychological terminology. There is a consistent focus and the essay reads well, with all the information being easy to take in as a result of the good structure.