Outline & Evaluate the psychodynamic model of abnormality

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Outline & Evaluate the Psychodynamic Model of Abnormality.

Freud and others developed the psychodynamic model. It is the idea that conscious thoughts, feelings and behaviours are determined by unconscious processes, and that being mentally healthy requires a good balance between the id (desires), the superego (morality) and the ego (reality). This is reflected in the Theory of Personality explanation. The second explanation put forward for this approach is Psychosexual Development. It has five stages and these are Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency and Genitals and are based on the idea that repressed problems often go back to childhood. Repressed desires or traumatic memories in the unconscious can upset the imbalance of the personality.  The person develops psychological symptoms as a way of dealing with imbalances in the personality.

     Freud thought that childhood was very important for the development of personality and that all abnormal behaviours are linked to childhood. He developed five stages of Psychosexual Development. At each stage, Freud thought that the child’s libido (lust) was focused on a particular body area. The libido refers to a type of life force energy. There are different ages associated with each stage. The Oral stage usually happens between the ages of zero and eighteen months. The focus of pleasure is the mouth e.g. eating and sucking on a dummy. Some people become fixated on this stage and start to overeat to comfort themselves or start smoking. This could be due to feeding difficulties or separation for a primary care giver. Their adult personality can become dominated by orality. Ainsworth also found a link between childhood attachment style and adult relationships.

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     The Anal stage happens usually between the ages of two and three years. The focus of pleasure is the anus. The child’s issue at this stage is on faeces and toilet training. If the stage is not resolved it can lead to an “anal character”. If parents are too harsh and strict with toilet training then the child may try to “hold back”. This can lead to an “anal retentive” personality. The adult character may be stubborn, tight with money, hoard possessions or be obsessive. On the other hand, the parents may be too lenient with toilet training. ...

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The writer has a good grasp of the psychodynamic model and Freud's contribution to this. A lot of research has been carried out and most of the main points have been covered. It might be helpful to define what is 'abnormal' at the beginning of the written piece and then keep referring to this throughout in relation to the stages of development. Also 'psychic determinism' is a good term to use to explain the pyschodynamic model.