Outline one theory of the function of sleep

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A) Outline one theory of the function of sleep (6 marks) One theory of sleep is the Restoration theory proposed by Oswald et al in 1966, which suggests that the function of sleep, especially REM sleep is to restore the energy levels and to repair the brain and body. Restoration can be physical and psychological. Physical restoration indicates that sleep is necessary to restore biological processes in the body through REM sleep and Stage 4/NREM sleep. NREM sleep is when the body's processes are restored such as hormone levels and REM sleep is when the brains processes are restored, such as protein synthesis. Psychological restoration says that sleep is a vital function as it restores psychological functions and helps to avoid the ill effects that lack of sleep causes. B) Outline and evaluate one or more studies relating to the theory of sleep in part A (18 marks) Restoration theory has been supported by numerous studies and ideas, which concern both physical and psychological restoration. In terms of the physical restoration theory Horne (1988) said that the main function of REM and stage 4 sleeps is to restore brain functioning, because body repair occurs mainly when the body is a period of relaxed wakefulness (NREM sleep). This is supported by the evidence that babies sleep longer than older people, as they need more REM sleep to assist the development of the control nervous system and also by the fact that 50% of sleep in newborn babies is REM sleep to encourage rapid brain growth. It has also been found that people who have had electro-convulsive therapy (ECT) for depression or who have taken an overdose have an increase in REM sleep 6-8 weeks afterwards as it takes time for the brain to replace the protein. Stage 4 or NREM sleep is important in
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physical restoration because during this sleep the pituitary gland releases a growth hormone which is important for tissue growth, protein and RNA synthesis and the formation of blood cells. Adam and Oswald supported this, because they found that tissue restoration such as cell repair occurred during this sleep. Also Shapiro et al (1981) found that people taking part in a 57 mile ultra marathon slept longer than normal people the next two nights and spend longer in the Stage 4 of sleep in order to give time for their body to recover. However this study is not very reliable because ...

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Summary The writer has made a very good and detailed account of the restoration theory of sleep. There are many and varied studies cited and most of them have been referenced. The work appears to be written in the writer's own words and shows a good understanding of the topic. With a few adjustments this essay could receive full marks. Star rating 4*