Outline the clinical characteristics of depression or schizophrenia?

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1) Outline the clinical characteristics of depression or schizophrenia? The DSM-IV claims that for a person to be diagnosed with a major-depressive disorder episode they would have to show evidence of five symptoms that would have to occur nearly everyday for the minimum of two weeks and these symptoms are: -Emotional Symptoms = feelings of sadness, depressed mood and the loss of pleasure in their usual activities. -Motivational Symptoms = the changes in their activity level showing no interest and having low levels of energy. -Somatic Symptoms= Experiencing insomnia or having increased amount of sleeping. (Hypersomnia) Showing signs of weight gain or loss. -Cognitive Symptoms=Feelings of negative self-concept, hopelessness, pessimism, lack of self esteem and self-blame. Having difficultly to concentrate or with the ability to think clearly. Also having recurring thoughts of suicide and death. All of these above are the clinical characteristics of depression. 2) Outline and evaluate two or more of explanations of the above…? The
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psychodynamic approach by Freud states that depression is linked to grief and loss, such as a loss of a relationship. The anger they would have felt towards the person is repressed and becomes anger that they take out on themselves. The feelings of worthlessness occur because they are alone and have lost the dependent feelings they would have when being in a relationship and this creates the anger that they have inside which will make them vulnerable to depression. Freud describes that there are two types of losses and they are one of a relationship such as death and the ...

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