Outline the findings of studies into sleep deprivation and assess their implications for one or more theories of sleep.

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Christopher Ball

Outline the findings of studies into sleep deprivation and assess their implications for one or more theories of sleep.

In this essay, I will be looking into 4 different studies of total and partial sleep deprivation and will be assessing their implications for Restoration theory of sleep. According to restoration theory, the purpose of sleep is to repair and recharge the brain and body through restoring energy resources, repair and growth of tissue cells and muscles, and replenishing neurochemicals.

Firstly, I will be looking into total sleep deprivation research. Peter Trip, a New York DJ took part in a ‘wakeathon’ for charity he stayed wake for 8 days, which resulted in delusions and hallucinations. Another case study by Randy Gardener a 17 year old student stayed awake for 11 day which resulted in disorganised speech, blurred vision and a small degree of paranoia. However after two nights longer sleep with longer spend in REM (rapid eye movement) he returned to normal sleep patterns. This show that total sleep deprivation does not have a long lasting effects on people health or sleep patterns. Both of the case studies support Oswald (1980) who claimed that none REM sleep restored the body and REM sleep restored the brain, through protein synthesis. Both of the studies were case studies so cannot be generalised to the whole population.

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Huber-Weidman (1976) reviewed a large number of sleep deprivation studies and summarised the finding into comment effects of total sleep deprivation over 6 nights. The effects included distress as a consequence of lack of sleep, strong desire to sleep, periods of micro-sleep and delusions. There is no standardisation of the methods employed and as it secondary research we cannot be absolutely sure of the methodology. However this study show that sleep deprivation can have negative effects and can be applied to the real world. It also supports restoration theory of sleep.

Rechtschaffen et al (1983), two rats were placed on ...

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