Periods of Biological Rhythms - Circadian Cycle.

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Periods of Biological Rhythms

Circadian Cycle

The circadian cycle is a rhythm with a 24-hour cycle. It is Latin with circa meaning "about," and di meaning "day" to create "about a day." Heart rate, body temperature and productivity change in accordance to the time of day.

During the day, people will experience different levels of alertness, due to body temperature. Chronobiologists have found that body temperature and alertness rhythms go hand in hand. There is no single time of peak performance on mental tasks, but rather different peak times for different tasks.

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A Chronobiologist's Tips for Organizing Your Day

7-8 A.M. If one maintains a regular rising time, it can be the most effective means of maintaining the body rhythms in tune. Exposure to light or an artificial light of equivalent brightness for fifteen minutes of rising will help in instilling these rhythms. Exposure to bright light generally has an energizing effect. Other methods to improve alertness are exercise, which will raise the body temperature, and eating some protein at breakfast.

9A.M. During the morning hours, it is the prime time for organizing, planning, creative thinking, writing, and editing.


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