Personality and Motivation. In this assignment, I will be talking about the many different theories that attempt to explain where your personality comes from and how it can change you as a person. It will also link this with where motivation comes from.

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        Richard Jackson

Personality and motivation

In this assignment, I will be talking about the many different theories that attempt to explain where your personality comes from and how it can change you as a person. It will also link this with where motivation comes from. Personality is defined as a persons attributes made up of physical, mental, emotional and social characteristics. Motivation is described as an incentive to complete a task.


     There are some theories of personality that suggest that you develop your personality from birth, which stay with you through childhood and into adulthood, whereas others say that you develop your personality throughout your life through experiences you encounter. This is known as the nature vs nurture debate. The nature side of this debate argues that you are born with your own unique personality which doesn’t change through your life, similar to your genes.


     One example of this is the trait theory. The trait theory suggests that your personality is made up of a combination of various traits that combine to make your own personality that’s different to everybody else’s. This theory also says that you will always have these characteristics in whatever situation you’re in. For example, if you have a very loud and confident personality, this theory suggests that this will show in whatever situation you’re in. However, I think that this is the downfall of this theory because I believe that there will be some situations where this wouldn’t be true. One example of this is that if you were in an unfamiliar place with people you had never met before, you would come over much more shy. However, if you were playing football with close friends, you will be much louder.

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     On the other hand, there are theories that say you learn your personality from others in social situations. The main example of this is the social learning theory. One aspect of the theory is modelling. Modelling is described as looking up to someone and wanting to be like them. For example, you could watch your favourite footballer playing on and see them showing anger at other players and then copy them when playing yourself. One criticism of the theory is that it doesn’t include both sides of the nature vs nurture debate into consideration and ...

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