Multi store Model
Akinson and Shiffrin model
- Simplistic
- Rehearsal isn’t the only way
- STM and LTM are not single stores
- Useful – base for further research
Sperling – Capacity of STM
- Rows of letters – recall 4 or 5
- Distinguish between 3 tones
- Showed letters again with the tone
- Recall less with the tones
- Reliable
- Lacks ecological validity
- Generalising
Iconic, echonic, haptic stores
Peterson and Peterson - Duration of STM
- Showed a consonant trigram
- Count backwards in threes – don’t rehearse the trigram
- Recall 80% with 3 second intervals
- Got worse as intervals lengthened
- Information decays rapidly when rehearsal is prevented
- Reliable – lab
- Lacks Ecological validity
- Get confused with other trigrams
Bahrick et al – duration of LTM
- Graduates of an American high school
- Memory tests- recognising class mates, pictures, matching names to pictures
- Good at 34 years
- Dip at 47 years
Conrad – encoding of STM
- Showed random sequence if six consonants
- 1 – acoustically similar
- 2- acoustically dissimilar
- Write them in serial order
- Made errors on recall
- Convert visually present material to an acoustic code in STM and then find it hard to recognise between words that sound the same
- Reliable – lab
- Lacks ecological validity