report into 3 classified psychological disorders of your choice. Discuss symptoms, causes and explanations of the using research

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Cat Sweeney

“Write a 1500 – 2000 word report into 3 classified psychological disorders of your choice.  Discuss symptoms, causes and explanations of the using research”


Within this report there are investigations into Alzheimer’s, Schizophrenia and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).  The focus will be specifically on the symptoms and causes of these three psychological disorders, providing theories and giving a true understanding why research continues for each of these disorders.

Symptoms of Alzheimer’s

Early symptoms at the early stages of Alzheimer’s may be that an individual can appear dissimilar, not necessarily something to pinpoint.  Their persona can seem unable to cope, minor interaction with their environment and unable to adapt to surroundings.  Some signs of lack of interest in activities or hobbies that primarily involved with.  Also signs of being very indecisive, unable to concentrate for periods and avoidance of responsibility.  There have been signs of strange behaviour, for example although retired they may get themselves ready for work.  Their moods may continuously alter and may be peevish and suspecting, which is believed to be to the fact that they are experiencing these alterations and know that something isn’t quite right.  Unfortunately these symptoms aren’t instantly recognisable or often identified.

There is no specific progression time with Alzheimer’s but is known to be gradual which causes the difficulty of diagnosis.  This can alter frequently between sufferers and not necessarily show signs of all symptoms, often being bypassed and diagnosed incorrectly by professionals.  Currently there are 3 stages of development:

Early symptoms

  • Impediment with language
  • Encounter expressive memory loss, mainly relating the primacy effect of the memory
  • Disorientation
  • Lost in familiar surroundings
  • Indecisive
  • Initiative and motivation, lack of
  • Depression and aggressiveness
  • Loss of interest

Middle symptoms

During this stage, symptoms become more obvious and limited and perplexed with day to day living.

  • Forgetful , unable to remember names or events
  • Unable to live independently with concern and difficulties
  • Unable to do basic things; shopping, cooking and cleaning
  • Become very difficult
  • Unable to procure personal hygiene – washing, bathing and the toilet
  • Unable to dress themselves
  • Magnitude hindrance of speech
  • Wandering and loss of direction
  • Various behavioural difficulties, aggressiveness
  • Hallucinations

Late symptoms

The final stage is of complete appurtenance and immobile.  Memory disturbances are grave and the physique becomes more predominant.

  • Difficulty in eating
  • Unable to recognise obvious surroundings, objects, friends & family
  • Unable to understand what is going on around them
  • Loss of direction
  • Difficulties in walking
  • Bladder and bowel incontinence
  • Inappropriate behaviour
  • Restricted to bed or a wheel chair

Causes of Alzheimer’s

The cause of Alzheimer’s is still a significant area of research.  After years of research there is still the confusion of how people develop Alzheimer’s.  There is now a clearer understanding that this disease develops more with the advance of age but is still unclear of the understanding of what components trigger the typical shift that eventuate in the brain tissue of humankind who attract this disease.  There is a clear understanding that these brain changes occur with age but also this isn’t a regular change with the development of age.  There have been some circumstances where this disease has been contracted at an early age.  It is believed that the human genes play a particular part in the maturation of a high percentage of Alzheimer’s.  In extremely sparse cases it is known that abnormal genes are tangible to the specific cause.  More frequently, genes are believed to merely donate to peoples receptive to the disease (Cayton, Graham & Warner 2004).  

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Alzheimer’s has been proven to not be linked to any form of infection even though signs have been noted after times of stress and when an individual is particularly worried, but it’s felt it’s not specifically a trigger from these form of emotions.  There has been opinion that certain deficiencies such as dietary or hormonal may have a bestowment to the progression of this disease, even though most doctors do not believe in this presumption.  Also the fact that aluminium present in the diet is a resulting factor.  It has been noted that any form of head injury earlier ...

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