Research and Evaluate the Psychodynamic Approach to Psychopathology

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Research and Evaluate the Psychodynamic Explanation of Abnormality

The psychodynamic approach is based on the research and theories of Sigmund Freud. It states that abnormality is the result of psychological conflicts in the subconscious that we are not aware of.

He stated that the mind had three components: the Id (the part of the mind that strives to gratify sexual and aggressive drives), the Ego (the rational part concerned with others’ opinions, what is socially acceptable, and consequences), and the Superego (the part containing our moral ideas about right and wrong). The conflict between each part of our minds and their desires can cause anxiety.

The Ego has two ways of dealing with this anxiety: Repression – burying unpleasant memories in our unconscious mind so we can’t remember them, and Regression – reverting back to an earlier stage in development (for example, a child acting like a baby when getting a new younger sibling).

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Because of these mechanisms, mental disorders can be the result of unresolved childhood conflicts.  Freud believed that we repressed the painful memories from our childhood into the unconscious section of our minds. For instance, anorexia might be a result of sexual abuse as a child. As our ego isn’t developed enough at that age, it cannot deal with trauma. The sufferer may not be actively aware of it having happened, but the memory could have leaked out as an eating disorder. A similar experience in later life could cause a person to re-experience the childhood trauma, causing abnormality as the ...

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