Reticular Activating System.

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+ dreaming theories  

R.A.S.  is very susceptible to damage.


          Is suppressed by chemicals during sleep.

Acts as a filter of sensory messages    passing through to the cerebral cortex.

Function of R.A.S.

                                                        Cut/lesion above R.A.S.

This would cause a permanent coma.

                                                        Cut/lesion below R.A.S.

This would cause paralysis from the point below the lesion.  

                                                        Cut/lesion through RAS

Damage to this will keep a person awake.

Diagram including location of R.A S., pons, & Raphe nuclei.

Chemical analysis of the RAPHE found SEROTONIN.  (This was investigated to find a cur for coma victims).  Serotonin is a neurotransmitter.  This acts an inhibitor on the R.A.S.  This leads to a gradual decrease in arousal. This is the mechanism for falling asleep.

R.A.S. is also inhibited by nor-adrenalin, released by the pons. This closes the RAS system down further.

Noradrenalin acts as and exitory agent on motor/sensory pathways and could cause REM/dreaming sleep.

Havever found a system which reinhibits the motor pathwau after it has been stimulated by noradrenalin.  (This stops you acting out your dreams.)  He damaged this area in animals and they seemed to act out their dreams. (see animal experiments.)


There is a lot of complex bio-chemistry in the base of the brain controlling sleep.  But they can hardly be there by accident of merely as remnants of past evolution!

People on amphetamines (speed etc.) have difficulty on sleeping. These are given as an appetite suppressant.  But patients soon get used to them and sleep normally.  When they stop taking them they get a massive REM/Dream sleep rebound, (nightmares etc.)

Line graph to show R.E.M. rebound and subsequent return to pre-amphetamine taking levels.


0          1                2           3                 4            5                  6                7

R.E.M. is maintained at a set level and therefore must be useful for something.

Alcohol also caused lack of REM sleep. When prolonged drinking (heavy for several weeks) stops, REM sleep is increased to possibly and unpleasant level.  



Psychological approach


He believed that Dreams are the guardians of sleep.  He also believed that they provided an insight into the motives of a persons behaviour.  He described it as  the royal road to the unconscious. He believed that no matter how absurd a dream was it always possessed meaning and logic.  He warned that dreams had to be analysed in the context of a person s waking life.  According to Freud the mind had 3 components.

Id:        This is concerned with basic instinctive urges such as the need for food, comfort and sexual gratification.  It works at an unconscious level. It is not driven by logic and is the pre-socialized part of the personality. He felt that we are driven by unconscious urges, and that through dreams the unconscious desires are expressed, Thus relieving psychic tensions.

        The Id works on the   Pleasure principle


        Its components are the conscience.  This threatens the Ego with punishment, in the form of guilt, for bad behaviour. The other component is the ego-ideal which promises rewards, in the form of pride and high self esteem, for good behaviour. This is developed throughout childhood.  This part represents the moral part of the personality and wishes to do the decent/right thing.



        This is a part of the id that has been modified by influences of the external world.  This is the decision maker, working on a rational and logical basis.  The demands of immediate gratification by the Id will be postponed by the Ego until the appropriate time and place.  It is not imposing constraints on moral grounds; its priority is the CONSEQUENSES of behaviour  

This works on the  reality principle.  

Freud believed that behaviour is an interaction of these 3 systems.  With the Id being repressed by the Ego and Superego, causing anxiety during waking hours.  

During dreams the Superego is partially asleep

And the Id can get through.  The Superego

Disguises the Id thoughts, (to stop nightmares.)

Dreaming, he saw as protecting sleep, by

Providing an outlet for disturbing and repressed

Thoughts, in a modified form, without them coming

Into consciousness.


The contents of dreams were referred to as:

Latent    This is the real meaning of a dream.

            These would be conflicts or dis. Thought.   

Manifest  This is what you actually dream. He      

  Argues that this is a censored and symbolic.

                * * * * *


Although Jung had been a close colleague of Freud, helping him form the psychoanalytic movement, in 1913 he broke ranks. He did not agree that all dreams are wish-fulfilments.  He believed that they were a way of acquiring self-knowledge and to restore our psychological balance.  He stated that they were just as likely to point to the future, (by suggesting solutions), as to the past. He did agree that dreams can reveal parts of the self that are usually concealed during waking hours.
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He believed that the Id expresses desires through daydreams. He preferred to take a dreams at face value and also to study dream series rather as opposed to an individual dream.  


Problem-solving  theory of dreaming

They believe that dreams are a way of identifying and working through problems of the waking life.  They do not believe that the true meanings of dreams are disguised and therefore do not distinguish between the latent and manifest content. However the use of metaphor is included in their theory.


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