Same sex marriages

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        A man in Idaho was slowly dying in his hospital room after an automobile accident, and was robbed of the ability to say his final goodbyes to the love of his life, his monogamous life partner.  This is because visitation rights in hospitals are only given to immediate family, which does not include life partners of the same sex.  This right is one of over a thousand that homosexuals are denied.  

        Resolved: Gay marriage should be legalized in the US

        Definition of Marriage: A socially sanctioned, voluntary, committed, monogamous, legally contracted union, of two adult people, which the federal and state governments recognize by conferring certain rights, privileges and responsibilities, such as finances, taxes, inheritance, child-raising, adoption, visitation, and medical decision making.  

        Plan: We, the affirmative team, believe that same-sex marriages should be legalizes in the U.S. on a federal level.  Same-sex couples that choose to marry should receive all the state and federal benefits that heterosexual married couples receive.  Our plan is to propose a constitutional amendment to the constitution stating that a state cannot deny granting or recognizing a marriage due to the genders of the partners, and that same-sex marriages will be treated no differently then heterosexual marriages by the state and federal governments.

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        Our contentions are that the denial of same sex marriage is unconstitutional, same-sex marriages will be beneficial for both the federal and state economies, and same-sex marriages will advance the well-being and welfare of homosexuals in the United States.

  1. The denial of same-sex marriage is unconstitutional
  • the Constitution promises liberty and justice to all Americans, not just the majority.  Opponents of marriage equality are pushing a divisive measure that would amend the US constitution to state that marriage “shall consist only of the union of a man and a woman.”  The constitution has been used throughout American history ...

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