Temperament Construct

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Week Two Assignment

Temperament Construct

EDUC 501

Edgard R. Oakley, Jr.

American Public University

Dr. John D. Moore


This paper will discuss the temperament construct and ways in which temperament is measured. It will also discuss some the behaviors that are studied in temperament research and why?   I will then offer my own analysis and discuss and then offer a final conclusion that will offer my personal opinion.

Before one could adequately explain the temperament construct, a brief history of the temperament theory must be reviewed. As I conducted my research I found varying definitions of temperament, when attempting to explain human behavior. Many scientists made honest attempts to define human behavior. Beginning with the ancient Greeks and their constructs of human behavior, they classified these behaviors in several categories. Temperament concepts since time of Greeks involved human temperament being described as or determined by the proportion of four bodily fluids present in an individual. Blood – cheerfulness, Phlegm – sluggishness or apathy, Black bile – gloominess, Yellow bile - anger

 Since then, there were many researchers that believe many other multi-faceted factors influenced human temperament. For instance, In the 17th century, the- role of the environment was emphasized, the mind considered a blank slate written upon by experience.  This was during the time of the enlightenment or age of reason which emphasized the potential of human beings.

In the 19th century Dr. Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory emphasized role of a caregiving environment on child development. Then, in the 20th century-children’s behavior was learned through the processes of conditioning and reinforcement. However, as time progressed so did the ways in which researchers examined human behavior.

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        What is temperament? Various theoretical approaches agree temperament is, biologically based, refers to individual differences, is modifiable by environment and exhibits a relative degree of stability over time. For the purpose of this assignment, the five dimensions of temperament are described as, activity level, positive affect, persistence, inhibition and negative affect. In this paper, I will discuss the activity level, positive and negative effects as it relates to the temperament construct later in the paper. But for now, let us examine how temperament can be measured?  Observations, assessments, case study, longitudinal research and questionnaires, to name a few.  Temperamental characteristics ...

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