The development of functional magnetic resonance imaging has made a huge contribution to the field of neuroscience in advancing our understanding of brain functions. The first Fmri study was performed in the early 90s, but since then the technology has ev

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For centuries people have been eager to understand and control the functions of the mind and human brain. In the last few years it has become possible to image the functioning of the brain in real time using the functional magnetic resonance imaging ( fmri).

The development of functional magnetic resonance imaging has made a huge contribution to the field of neuroscience in advancing our understanding of brain functions. The first Fmri study was performed in the early 90s, but since then the technology has evolved, it is now widely accepted as a non-invasive tool for identifying brain regions that are associated with certain perceptual, cognitive, emotional and behavioral functions, such as visual, sensory motor, language and memory ( Veitz, 1994).

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It allows neuroinvestigators to locate the region where the brain activity is taking place using powerfull magnets to measure small changes in the brains blood oxygenation level that occur while a task is performed. Through this non-invasive technology, investigators can get a dynamic picture of what is happening in specific areas of the active, working brain by looking at changes in the oxi-hemoglobin flow to the head. The hemoglobin has different magnetic characteristics depending on if it is oxygenated or not ( Buxton, 2002).

The fmri technology permits these differences in the brain to be seen. This process relates to ...

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