The Relationship between Appearance and Fear of Animals.

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Deena Maher

The Relationship between Appearance and Fear of Animals




Prolonged and excessive fears are classified as phobias, which are a type of Anxiety disorder according to the DSM-IV. When the phobia takes over the persons ability to live a ‘normal’ life it is classed as a mental disorder, (psychopathology is the study of mental disorders). There are three types of phobias; specific phobias, social phobias and agoraphobia. Specific phobias are fears relating to something specific such as fear of animals, the most common including snakes, spiders, rodents and heights. The five types of specific phobias include; animal type, situational type (eg: planes, lifts), natural environment (eg: heights, storms, water), blood injection – injury type and ‘other’.

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There are a variety of different explanations and theories of phobic anxiety disorders. These include genetic explanations, neurological explanations and the behavioral theory. The genetic explanation basically studies whether or not phobias are hereditary via family history studies (relying on interviews), adoption studies and the most common – twin studies that examine the role of concordance of a disorder. Neurological explanations of phobias are based on the function of the automatic nervous system where people who develop phobias have a high level of physiological arousal making them sensitive to their external environment. The behavioral theory revolves around the concept ...

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