To what extent does the multi-store model offer a reasonable account of human memory?

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To what extent does the multi-store model offer a reasonable account of human memory?

Memory could be explained in terms of three distinct stores, according to Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968) . The three distinct stores were the sensory memory, which holds information for a very brief segment, short-term memory (STM) characterised by limited capacity and reasonably short duration, and a long term memory (LTM). which had potentially unlimited capacity and duration. If a person's awareness is focused on material in the sensory memory then this would be transferred to STM. Atkinson and Shiffrin claimed that information was transferred from STM to LTM through the process of rehearsal in STM and the strength of long-term memory- the more the information is rehearsed, the better it is remembered.
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Research studies have tended to support the distinction proposed by Atkinson and Shiffrin regarding differences between the stores with respect to capacity, encoding and duration. The existence of separate stores in memory is also supported by the use of modern brain-scanning techniques (such as MRI and PET). These have shown, for example, that the prefrontal cortex is active when individuals are working on a task in immediate(i.e. short-term) memory, whereas the hippocampus is active when LTM is engaged. The notion of a different physiological basis for short and long term memory is further supported by the study of ...

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