why do humans forget?

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Why Do Humans Forget?

Why do humans forget? Ask yourself is it true that some people forget that they were abused in childhood? Or, can you do better in your exams if you are in the same mood when you take the test as you was when you revised? And why do sometimes people forget what happened when they have had too much alcochol to drink?

There are two simple answers to these questions. First, the memory has disappeared – it is no longer there. Second, the memory is still stored in the memory system but, for some reason, it cannot be retrieved. The first answer is applied to forgetting in STM, while the second to forgetting in LTM.

Forgetting in STM

As we know, STM has a limited duration and limited capacity. It can hold information only for a short period – 10-15 sec., or as Miller suggested, it can only hold 5-9 unrelated things. So, we can outline 3 theories of forgetting in STM:

  • Displacement
  • Trace decay
  • Interference


This theory provides us with very simple explanation of forgetting. As STM can only hold small amount of information, it displaces old information when new information comes and there is no more place for it.

                              New information                           Old information

Trace decay

Trace is some kind of physical or chemical change in our brain. The trace decay theory of forgetting occurs as a result of the automatic decay of the memory trace. If information is not rehearsed then memory trace will decay in 10-15 seconds and become lost for ever!


These theory says that people more likely to forget information from STM when different items is similar and interferes with each other making it difficult to rehears, causing people to get mixed up.

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Older memories can interferes with newer, as newer memories can interferes with older.

Forgetting in LTM

As we know, LTM contains a huge pull store of information in which we are not conscious, but from which information can be retrieved into consciousness. Though, people sometimes cannot remember things, which in there LTM. Most psychologist believe that LTM has unlimited capacity, so forgetting cannot be due to displacement.

However, there are some other theories:

  • Trace decay
  • Interference
  • Cue dependence
  • Repression
  • Schema distortion

Trace decay

As I have mentioned, trace decay theory of forgetting occurs as a result ...

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