Mythological language raises very difficult if not impossible problems. Discuss this statement by examining both verification and falsification.

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Natalie Limbrey 13D

“Mythological language raises very difficult if not impossible problems.” Discuss this statement by examining both verification and falsification.

“A myth is a symbolic approximate expression of truth, which the human mind cannot perceive sharply and completely, but can only glimpse vaguely, and therefore cannot adequately or accurately express.” – Millar Burrows.

        In the context of religion, myths can be taken to mean stories about God which have vital meanings for an individual, a community, a nation or the cosmos. Myths embody and express claims which cannot be expressed in any other way.

        Myth is the most complex type of symbolic language because it uses symbols, metaphors and imagery. They use them to explain the unexplainable and to give insights into human existence.

        Mythology does not convey information that isn’t true. They convey concepts that go way beyond the true/false descriptors. They express stories that are “other worldly”. They allow humans to gain insight into two very important questions; the cosmological question about the meaning of life and the existential question about emotions, feelings, believing etc.

        Mythological language was used a lot by the biblical writers. They have been included in the ideas such as creation, the fall and the flood. Within the Bible myths also attempt to explain the mystery of human origins and human nature. There have been a brave set of people over the last forty years, who have chosen to say a lot of religious statements are myths – which has challenged existing beliefs.

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        There are of course many examples of religious myths and there are tree ways in which the word myth can be used in religious language:

  • The myth could be a story which isn’t true, but has some other value. Braithwaite believed that they were inspirational as they make us motivated.
  • It could be a literary device. Ineffable, i.e. beyond language, unexplainable.
  • A method of interpreting “ultimate reality”. They open up like symbols, they have new levels of reality or as Randal argues their purpose is to bind communities together.

Biblical stories which seem meaningless to scientists are ...

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