A Studyof Islamic and Christian Beliefs On Life After Death.

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Islam and Christianity are both monotheistic religions, and are two of the world’s fastest growing religions in the world.

Islam came about in 610CE when Muslims believe that the last of the Prophets or the Seal of the Prophets, Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) was given the first revelation of the Qur’an from God/ Allah, via the Angel Gabriel/ Jibril.

Within Islam there are many sects and denominations that vary specific beliefs among them, but there are many beliefs, which they share for example they all, believe in the same Qur’an.

The two major denominations within Islam are ‘Sunnis’ and ‘Shi’s’.

Apart from the holy book of the religion which is the ‘Qur’an’, Muslims also have other various scriptures such as the ‘Hadith’, which are believed to be the sayings of the Prophet Muhammed (pbuh), and also his examples which are the Sunnah’.

Beliefs such as the ‘Five Pillars of Islam’ known as ‘Arkun ul Islam’ are derived from the Hadith e.g. praying five times daily and the various times prayers should take place.

Although all Muslims have the same Qur’an, they have various Hadith and Sunnah.

Within Islam I will be focusing on the belief on life after death within the major denomination which is ‘Sunni’s’ but I will make certain comparisons of the ‘Sunnis’ with the ‘Shi’s’.

I will also study events such as ‘The Day of Judgement’ and also what happens when a Muslim dies.

Islam is based upon ‘Five Pillars’ known as ‘Arkun ul Islam’ these pillars are needed to make a Muslim strong and have true belief in his religion. The ‘Five Pillars’ are;

  1. Shahadah’- This is the ‘Decleration of Faith’ and is the first belief in becoming a Muslim. The ‘Shahadah’ is

‘I declare that there is no God but Allah, and that prophet Muhammed (pbuh) is the messenger of Allah’

  1. Salah’- This is the daily prayer performed by every Muslim, if they are able to perform it i.e. they are pure and aren’t travelling. ‘Shi’i’ Muslims often shorten their prayers into three daily prayers if they aren’t able to perform all five at the right times.

All Muslims pray towards the direction of the Kab’ah’

  1. ‘Zakah- This is the compulsory giving of 2.5% of Muslims annual earnings to charity. Muslims can also pay extra which is called Sadaqah’. A Muslim isn’t obliged to pay ‘Zakah’ if he is in debt.

  1. ‘Saum’- This is fasting during the month of Ramadan when one is pure and able to stay hungry during the daylight hours. Women who are pregnant, people on long journeys and children do not have to fast.

  1. ‘Hajj’- This is the pilgrimage to ‘Makkah’at least once in a lifetime to ask for forgiveness from God/ Allah for all sins committed during ones lifetime. This is performed if the Muslim is fit enough to go through the process.

Linked to the ‘Five Pillars’ are the 7 basic beliefs, which a Muslim must also have. These beliefs are;

  1. Belief in Allah- ‘Tawhid’
  2. Belief in the Angels- ‘Malaikah’
  3. Belief in the books of Allah- ‘Kutuballah’
  4. Belief in the Messengers of Allah- ‘Rasulallah’
  5. Belief in the Day of Judgement- ‘Yawmuddin’
  6. Belief in Destiny and Pre-Destination- ‘Al Qadr’
  7. Belief in Life after Death- ‘Akhirah’

As outlined above, it is vital for a Muslim to believe in Life after Death or ‘Akhirah’.

Muslims believe that humans have four stages of life.

  1. The first stage is in the womb of your mother. Here the physical body is united with its Spirit or ‘Ruh’. Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) said this took place sometime after the 120th day of the foetus’s growth.

  1. The second stage is the life we have on earth or the ‘Dunya’. On earth we are born and eventually we die. If a person is able to live after the age of puberty then his life becomes a test, and when he dies he will be accounted on how he spent his life on the earth/ ‘Dunya’.

  1. The third stage is when a human dies and enters the punishment or peace of their grave. During the third stage the deceased is asked questions by two angels called ‘Munkir’ and ‘Nakir’ which he answers.

  1. The fourth stage is the Life after Death or the ‘Akhirah’, which takes place after the Day of Judgement or ‘Yawmuddin’. On this day Muslims believe that all the souls of the dead will be raised and called upon by Allah to be questioned on how they spent their time and life upon the earth/ ‘Dunya’.
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The day of Judgement is known as Yawmuddin. On this day all souls will come together on Mount Arafat before the presence of Allah. The whole universe will be destroyed on this day and the dead will be ‘Resurrected’ to stand before Allah, their Lord.

This will be the beginning of the ‘Akhirah’ in which everyone will be rewarded or punished by Allah according to their good or bad deeds.

On the Day of Judgement ‘Gods attributes of Justice and mercy will be in full Manifestation’.

Everyone will be given the record of their life which had been recorded ...

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