ABOUT SAINT FRANCIS           St. Francis was born in 1182, the son of Peter Bernardone and Madonna Pica. His father sold spices and fabrics and was often out of town on business. In fact, while Peter Bernardone was traveling in Provence on business, Madonna Pica gave birth to his son. His mother named him John, but Peter Bernardone immediately renamed him Francis when he returned home. Francis spent a happy childhood under the watchful eye of Madonna Pica and the attention heaped on him by his father, who was certain that Francis would follow him in the merchant business. He was popular with everyone and attended every banquet. Nevertheless, his strict education and healthy moral upbringing gave everything he did a sense of balance. In spite of this, however, during his carefree younger days there were also episodes revealing intolerance on his part, but it was on one of these occasions that the seed of his future transformation was planted. He was working intently in his father's cloth shop, arranging the fabric, when a beggar came to the door asking for alms in God1s name. Francis rudely kicked the man out, but then he regretted his actions and followed the man. When he found him,
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he stopped the man and, apologizing, he gave him some money. When Francis was just barely twenty years old, he fought in the war between Assisi and Perugia and was taken prisoner. That period shaped the young man1s soul and the weaker his body became, the more deeply his sense of charity and love towards others took root in him. By the time he returned to Assisi, he was seriously ill. His mother's loving care and time itself brought him back to health, but the carefree life he had led before and which had started again by now, seemed empty ...

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