In his endeavours to prove that Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas opposed the concept of Jihad in Islam, Abdul Hafeez cites a passage from Hadhrat Ahmad'sas book titled Ayyamus Sulh in which he, according to his original work stated:

'We believe that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and Seyyidna Hadhrat Muhammad Mustaphasa is His Messenger and is the Seal of Prophets. We believe that the angels, the resurrection of the body, the day of judgment, heaven and hell are a reality. We also believe that whatever God, the Lord of the Hosts has stated in the noble Quran and whatever our Prophetsa has said in relation to these is true. We believe that whosoever subtracts the smallest particle in from the law of Islam, or adds to it, or lays the foundation of neglecting obligations and indifference towards them, is without faith and is turned away from Islam. I admonish the members of my community that they should, in true sincerity, have faith in the Kalimah; Laa ilaaha ila1laah Muhammadur Rasuulullaah and they should die in this faith. They should believe in all prophets and books, the truth of which is affirmed by the noble Quran. They should observe the fast and perform the salat and pay the zakat and perform Hajj and carry out all that God Almighty and His Messenger have prescribed and also abstain from all that has been forbidden and thus conform in every respect to Islamic commandments. They should accept all that is supported by the consensus of the righteous ones who have passed away and all that is considered as part of Islam by the consensus of the Ahle Sunnat. We call to witness the heavens and the earth that this is our religion.'

The author of Two in One then attempts to find a flaw in this statement of the Ahmadiyya Muslim faith. He states that while the followers of Hadhrat Imam Abu Hahifarh agree with the above declaration, Hadhrat Ahmadas has failed to mention Jihad in this summary of his beliefs, thereby suggesting by implication that Ahmadi Muslims are disbelievers. Alas! were this petty pir of Gujjo conversant with the articles of the Islamic faith and the pillars of Islam which Hadhrat Gabrielas had expounded to Hadhrat Muhammadsa on the command of God Almighty, he would have known better since the aforementioned statement of Hadhrat Ahmad'sas conforms to the requirements of the Islamic faith and its practice as taught to Muslims by the Messenger of Godsa. For instance, the famous collection of Hadeeth, the Sahih of Bukhari reports:

'Narrated Abu Hurairara; One day while the Prophetsa was sitting in the company of some people, [The angel] Gabrielas came and asked, "What is faith?" Allah's Apostlesa replied, "Faith is to believe in Allah, His angels, [the] meeting with Him, His Apostles, and to believe in Resurrection." Then he further asked, "What is Islam?" Allah's Apostlesa replied, "To worship Allah Alone and none else, to offer prayers perfectly, to pay the compulsory charity [Zakat] and to observe fasts during the month of Ramadhan.'

This Hadeeth has also been recorded on the authority of Hadhrat Yahya ibn Y'amurrh that Hadhrat 'Abd Allah ibn Umarra who narrated:

My father Umar ibn Khattab told me: One day, we were sitting in the company of the Messenger of Allahsa when there appeared before us a man dressed in extremely white clothes, his hair extraordinarily black. There was no sign of [fatigue] of journey on him. None amongst us recognized him. At last, he sat along with the Apostlesa. He leaned his knees before his knees and placed his palms on his tights and said: Muhammad, inform me about al Islam. The Messenger of Allahsa said: Al Islam implies that you testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, and you establish prayer, pay Zakat, observe fast of Ramadhan, and perform pilgrimage to the [House] if you are solvent enough [to bear the expense of the] journey. He [the inquirer] said; You have told the truth. He [Umar ibn Khattab] said: It amazed us that, he would put the question and then he would himself verify the truth. He [the inquirer] said: Inform me about Iman [faith]. He [the Holy Prophet] replied: That you affirm your faith in Allah, in His angels, in His Books, in His Apostles, in the day of Judgment, and you affirm your faith in Divine Decree to good and evil.' He [the inquirer] said: You have told the truth.' 

The Sahih of Muslim reports this Hadeeth on the authority of Hadhrat Abu Hurairara also in which Iman has been stated to 'affirm faith in Allah, His angels, His Books, mankind's eventual meeting with Him, His Messengers and in Resurrection' and Islam has been stated to 'signify that you worship Allah and do not associate anything with Him and you establish obligatory prayer and pay the zakat and observe the fast.' Hadhrat Imam Muslimra also states that this Hadeeth was narrated to him by Hadhrat Muhammad ibn 'Abd Allahrh on the authority of Hadhrat Muhammad ibn Bj5hth who narrated it on the authority of Hadhrat Abu Hayyan al Taymira with the same definition of Iman and Islam. 

In yet another instance, Hadeeth literature reports on the authority of Hadhrat Abu Hurairara that Prophet Muhammadsa told his companions to 'ask him about matters pertaining to religion but they [were too much overawed out of profound respect for him to ask him anything.] In the meantime, a man came and sat next to him and asked him to explain Islam and Iman to him to which the Messenger of Allahsa gave the above definition of Iman and Islam. This description of Islam has also been reported in Sahih Bukhari which states:

'Narrated Ibn Umar Allah's Apostlesa said: Islam is based on [the following] five [principles]: 1. To testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and Muhammad is Allah's apostle. 2. To offer the [compulsory congregational] prayers dutifully and perfectly. 3. To pay the Zakat [i.e. obligatory charity] 4. To perform Haji [i.e.' Pilgrimage to Mecca] 5. To observe the fast during the month of Ramadhan.' 

Hence, these statements of Prophet Muhammad'ssa belief in relation to Iman and Islam as reported by these works of Hadeeth do not, in any manner whatsoever, differ from Hadhrat Ahmad'sas aforementioned statement of belief quoted by Abdul Hafeez from his works Ayyamus Sulh Nor do numerous such other statements attributed to Hadhrat Muhammadsa by the authentic books of Hadeeth.

Since this self proclaimed Ahnaf scholar of Islam has not stated the grounds on which he has taken exception to Jihad not being mentioned in this particular passage of Hadhrat Ahmad'sas writings, one is not certain of the aspect from which one ought to discuss his objection. However, if he must insist that Jihad should necessarily have been a part of this definition in Ayyamus Sulh or else Ahmadi Muslims cannot be classified as Muslims, then one would ask him if he professes to know more of the faith of Islam than Hadhrat Gabrielas who, on the command of God, informed Hadhrat Muhammadsa of the Islamic faith and Hadhrat Muhammadsa who, thereafter, taught Islam to Muslims for all times?

Abdul Hafeez might want to make a capital issue of the aforementioned statement and if he did, one would not be surprised considering that despite such clear definition of Iman and Islam by the Prophet of Islamsa, people like this ignorant pir of Gujjo have chosen to ignore the verdict of Hadhrat Muhammadsa in favour of what scholars of Ahnaf in the sub continent of India have believed Iman and Islam to be. In case the author of Two in One is not aware, Hadrat Nizam ud Din Auliarh was brought to the Court of the Moghul Emperor on charges of acting contrary to the Shari'ah of Islam by none other than his predecessors - the 7th century Hijri scholars of the Hanifi school of Jurisprudence.

Apparently, Hadhrat Sultan ul Auliarh was accused by the Ahnaf scholars of India for listening to music, allegedly contrary to the injunctions of Islam. When asked if he had anything to say, he presented his defense from the works of Hadeeth at which the Chief Hanifite Mufti in India stated:

'What have you to do with the Hadeeth and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet? You are a follower of Imam Abu Hanifa so let us have evidence from Abu Hanifa in your defence.' 

Somewhat taken aback at this statement by the Mufti, the revered saint responded:

'Holy is God. I bring evidence from our Mastersa and you want me to bring evidence from his servant, a follower. Who is Abu Hanifa to supersede the Holy Prophet"'? Those who prefer the sayings of a follower over his master must fear from the curse of banishment. They could be punished by famine and are in danger of their cities laid waste and coming to ruins' 

Join now!

Historical documents state that Chief Ahnaf Mufti and his equally bigoted and ignorant companions from the clergy became excited at Hadhrat Nizam ud Din Aulia'srh surprise that they were prepared to give preference to the servant, Hadhrat Imam Abu Hanifalsrh opinion over the master, Hadhrat Muhammadsa. Hence, they exclaimed:

'We take refuge in God. This man has the audacity to belittle the Upholder of the Shariah and insult the supporters of Abu Hanifa's jurisprudence. He says, "Who is Abu Hanifa?" and only a few moments he claimed to be a follower of Abu Hanifa' 

The Chief Ahnaf Mufti and his Ahnaf ...

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