An accidental universe is as likely as a created one Discuss.

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“An accidental universe is as likely as a created one” Discuss.  (10)

        For many people who are familiar with modern science the primary issue regarding religious belief and science concerns whether God is the most rational way to explain why the universe exists and why human life exists. Debates in science and religion also focussed upon the matter of explaining why there is any universe here at all. The ‘God hypothesis’ is one that says that the existence of the universe can be explained by reference to God.

        In many Western developed countries there is a prevailing view that science provides facts and religion is based upon views from the past that are mistaken.  If the universe exists as the result of the random development of the Big Bang this could exclude God as the best account to the existence of the universe. Atheists can argue that it is merely a matter of random reactions, and they therefore believe that it is just chance that the universe is here at all. The claim is that the universe just happened to develop in the way in which it did. It could have developed in another way.  Scientists such as Richard Dawkins argue that there is little or no evidence to support the idea that the existence of God can explain the origins of the universe. The claim is that our knowledge of the universe expands so we learn more about the workings and development of the universe. This is the idea that cosmologists such as Stephen hawking have set for themselves. Furthermore, atheists such as Richard Dawkins argue that longing for and belief in God can be explained through evolutionary theories and related ideas, or alternatively through psychology.  The notion that God is only used to fill in gaps in human knowledge has been another basis for atheists’ rejection of belief in God as an explanation of the origin of the universe. In particular, it is claimed that God seems only to be postulated to explain a thing that human beings cannot yet explain scientifically.

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        On the contrary, many argue that it is more reasonable to suppose that the universe does not exist y chance. They believe that blind chance is not a satisfactory explanation of the universe and that it would have been almost infinitely unlikely that this universe would have ever come to exist if it were left down to chance. If this universe is created as a universe in which conscious life can evolve, it Is more reasonable to suppose that life should emerge in the universe. While scientists argue that the Big Bang theories provide a simple explanation of the universe, ...

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