Jaime Garrett 10MB

Death and What Next?

        A living human can only be one hundred percent sure of one thing, that is that there is life on Earth. Although there is believed to be an afterlife some people may think that the idea of an afterlife has been made up to make people feel easier about death. In a way I believe that this is both true and false. I think that often an afterlife is spoken about to comfort the emotions of people but I do believe that there is an afterlife in heaven. The one, most definite thing is that you will die. Some people believe that the person you are during your life determines whether you will go to heaven or hell and this is decided by a supreme power. Suggestions say that the ‘Afterlife’ gives justice for what has happened in a person’s earthly life.

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        Most religions believe that something happens to us after we die, for Christians our destination after death is Heaven or Hell whereas in the Old Testament of Judaism, Jews believed in a place called ‘Sheol’ meaning ‘Pit or ‘Grave’

        The basic principles of life after death for the Christian Faith is that if you have had a ‘Good’ life on earth then you will enter heaven but if you have had a ‘Bad’ life on earth then you will surely go too hell. But what about Salvation?

Salvation is the confession of sins even at the very last moment. ...

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