Descartes logically proved the existence of an infinite and truthful being - Discuss.

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        “Logic cannot prove the existence of God” Discuss? In Descartes’ Meditations, Descartes logically proved the existence of an infinite and truthful being. The Holy Bible describes God, our creator. I plan to compare the logically proven infinite being (God) and the Biblical God and see if their traits mirror each other. If they do then it would prove, if not give strong evidence, that they are one in the same. First I will restate Descartes’ proof of an infinite and truthful being. P1- Ideas are internal, external, or innate. P2- The idea of infinity is not internal. P3- The idea of infinity is not external. P4- The idea of infinity is therefore innate. P5- Any cause must be greater than or equal to its effect. P6- An infinite being is the cause of the idea of infinity. P1-P6 proves that their exists an infinite being. P7- Established is an infinite, truthful being. Since it’s infinite, then it’s infinitely wise. In Plato’s The Republic, Socrates proved that a Wiseman would be Just. Therefore, an infinite being would be infinitely just. So if the Bible is truth, and the Biblical God exists, then God would be infinitely wise and just as well. Following this logic, everything God carries out in the Bible must follow the guidelines of Justice. If there is an instance where God displayed an act of injustice, it proves at least the prophet to be false. I have not inspected every line in the Bible nor do I plan to. But I will go over some of the main principles of Christianity, with a
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focus on Catholicism, and see if they follow that which is Just. The chose Catholicism for two reasons. One is because it’s my religion and it’s the one I know the most about. Second is because of its views of Salvation, which is the main focus of religion. The Bible is translated in many different ways by different religions. Many religions believe that all you need is faith. Catholicism believes in faith and works. I will use the most extreme view, which is Catholicism. The steps to salvation are that you must have faith. When you have faith then you ...

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