Describe the origins and nature of the Ontological argument for the existence of God.
erinruth99gmailcom (student)
Describe the origins and nature of the Ontological argument for the existence of God. [35]
The question of the existence of God is one of the most debated concepts for humanity. For centuries theologians and philosophers alike have put forward arguments, one of which is the ontological argument. This argument is debatably the most logical but also the most difficult to grasp; this is due to its nature as a priori deduction that does not require physical evidence. It is an argument of credo ut intelligam – I believe in order to understand. In examining the ontological argument, a good place to start would be Anselm’s view on it.
Anselm was Archbishop of Canterbury from 1033 – 1109. He wrote the ontological argument in the second chapter of his Proslogion. It is worth noting that he was writing in order to assure theists of their faith, not to convince atheists. He starts by defining God as, “a being than which nothing greater can be conceived.” His argument can be outlined as thus: God is the greatest possible being. If God existed only in the mind and not reality, then we could imagine another great being that exists both in the mind and reality. That would make that being greater than God, which is impossible. Therefore God must exist both in reality and the mind.