Discuss Plato's analogy of the cave

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2b) ‘Explain Plato’s analogy of the cave’

Plato’s analogy of the cave is from a book he wrote called The Republic and he used the analogy to illustrate his ideas of ‘The Forms’ and is a way of Plato explaining how the soul becomes ‘englightened’. It begins with ‘unenlightened’ prisoners chained in a cave, which they have lived in their whole life. They can only face the wall in front of them and are unable to see people walking behind them in front of a fire with puppets projecting shadows, allowing them to only guess what the images are that they see. Voices echo throughout the cave and the prisoners associate these with the shadows. The shadows are the only things they can see, so they perceive this as reality.

One of the prisoners is freed and is shown the fire and the puppets and realises that the fire and puppets caused the shadows. He then thinks that the fire and puppets are the most real things in the whole world. The freed prisoner then leaves the cave and at first he is blinded by the light outside and can only look at shadows. His eyes adjust and he is then able to see objects that are real such as trees and flowers and reflections. He realises these are real; even more real than the puppets. The prisoner lifts his head and sees the sun and realises the sun causes everything, such as the seasons and light and everything around him.

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The prisoner becomes ‘enlightened’ and doesn’t want to go back to the cave, but returns to tell the other prisoners about what he has found. When he first goes back into the darkness, he cannot see. His eyes adjust to the darkness and he tells the other prisoners his story. However they are not convinced and don’t believe him, because they think the shadows are reality and wish to kill anyone who tells them not.

Plato's analogy of the cave is meant to explain our journey to ‘enlightenment’. The way Plato does this is by comparing an average person to ...

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