Do the Strengths of the Design Argument out way the Weaknesses

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09/05/2007                                                                                                          Louisa Wimbush

The Design Argument for the Existence of God


  1. Weaknesses of the Design Argument

The Teleological argument for the existence of God is an inductive argument. Already we can see by the fact that it is an inductive argument that it has its flaws and that it has its weaknesses.  The conclusion is not contained within its premises. This infers that the premises do not fully support the conclusion; therefore the argument is not a solid argument, leaving room for many weaknesses.  This is illustrated best by Richard Swinburne in his writing ‘The Quest for Eternity. He states that at best the Design Argument is possible or probable, but by no means is it a certainty; what the Design Argument does is to serve to increase the probability of God’s existence. The logic is sound but the argument is week because there are other possible conclusions.

One of these other possible conclusions is put forward by David Hume in his Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion in 1779. Through the character of Philo, Hume puts forward his first argument. This is that like effects imply like causes, so we end up with a caricature of God. However he also has a second argument; that it is possible that the universe arose by chance. The argument accepts that the world is orderly – it behaves in an incredibly orderly manner. Natural laws operate consistently and we can discover them and work with them. He agrees that few would deny the order in the cosmos, but order does not necessarily imply a designer. The crucial issue is whether the step can be made from order to design. If it cannot as suggested by Philo, then the order in the cosmos does not mean that a designer (God) created it. Therefore this takes apart one of the premises of the design argument, and consequently making the argument unstable.

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Hume also argues that if the Design Argument is valid, then what it does is to prove a designer; but not his nature, which is a key point. Here the Design Argument has a definite weakness; because the whole point of the argument it is to prove the God of Classical Theism. There are many possibilities for this designer of the cosmos. The designer could be female or male; there could be many designers/ deities and so forth. Hume puts his argument, and the one his personal viewpoint follows through the character of Philo. Philo states that we should postulate ...

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