Do we need God to have morals?

   There are many different views on this subject and different people and different faiths may believe in their belief being the answer. Some religions may have the same response and say yes we do need god. Religionists insist that belief in God is essential for morality, however others – this being mainly non-religious people may give a negative reply and say we do not need a god to have morals because there is no god and it’s up to the people on deciding what is right and what is wrong and as there seems to also be an increasing number of atheists this view is becoming very popular. Dostoyevsky, who was a Russian author of fictional writing and philosopher created a novel titled ‘The Brothers Karamazov’. In this Dostoyevsky's Ivan Karamazov believes that ‘If God did not exist then everything is permitted’. This is one way of saying that notions of good and evil lose their force when people cease to acknowledge God and implying everything would be right if there wasn’t a God. It basically suggests that God is restraining us from doing what we like. In this essay, things that need to be considered are people’s opinions and that we all have different beliefs and not to make criticism towards a viewpoint. Also if there a profound relationship between ethics and belief in God?

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   Some religions such as Christianity argue that we do need God to have morals. Christians believe that there is God and that he is creator of the earth and mankind, that he has great power over us so there is a necessity in order to have meanings and morals in our life and that he enlightens  us with what is right and what is strongly advised against. Good and bad are undoubtedly there, religious people say, but we can’t see them. This is the case with God. They know that he is there but he is unseen. This ...

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