Examine the main differences between Matthews and Lukes accounts of Jesus trial, crucifixion and death and explain what both teach about the person of Jesus through these accounts

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Examine the main differences between Matthew’s and Luke’s accounts of Jesus’ trial, crucifixion and death and explain what both teach about the person of Jesus through these accounts.


Heightening of the Supernatural;

  • Matthew 26:53, The idea of God sending armies of angels, even if put on one side, sets the scene in a supernatural context.
  • Matthew 27:19, Pilate’s wife’s warning. Dreams, as a vehicle for God’s message, are common in the Old Testament (e.g. Joseph in prison).
  • Matthew 27: 52-53, The earthquake and the resurrection of the saints at the death of Jesus emphasise that the new era has begun.
  • Matthew 28:2, The earthquake and the rolling away of the stone. Notice that the stone is moved to show the grave is empty. Matthew does not suggest that Jesus needed letting out.
  • All the gospel writers saw the death and Resurrection of Jesus as the beginning of a new era. Matthew and his first readers were aware of the expectation and language of Jewish Apocalyptic, so he naturally developed this theme. Compared with the language used in some of the Dead Sea Scrolls, he is very restrained.
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Of Special Interest to Jewish Christians;

  • Matthew 26:3, The name of the High Priest is given. Caiaphas was High Priest between A.D. 18 and 36.
  • Matthew 26:15, Judas is given thirty pieces of silver for betraying Jesus. In the Old Testament Law Codes this was the sum given to the owner of a slave as compensation for the death of his slave in an accident (Exodus 21:32). It became the symbolic price of a life. Due to inflation and the passing of time, it was not a large sum of money in the first century.
  • Matthew 26:31, The ...

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