Explain How Muhammad Established Islam As A Major Political And Religious Force In The World.

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Explain How Muhammad Established Islam As A Major Political And Religious Force In The World.

While Muhammad was living with his wife Khadija, he often went to a cave outside Makkah called Hira, where he would reflect and pray. During one night in 610CE, when Muhammad was 40, he was in a cave on Mount Hira. God revealed himself to Muhammad. This was called the night of power, and it relates in Surah 95 of the Qur’an, which is entitled The Blood Clot.

When Muhammad returned home, Khadija became his first believer. Then his cousin Ali, a freed slave called Zayd, and one of his closest friends, Abu Bakr, all became followers. There started one of the great religions of the world.

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Muhammad had a strong belief that there was only one God, the creator. He believed that all humans should be equal in their relationship with this creator. This undermined the tribes of Makkah who, especially the Quarish, rose up against Muhammad and his followers. All through his life, Muhammad fought to establish Islam, to gather followers, and to create a substantial political force.

In the 22 years after the first revelation, until Muhammad died in 632CE, God delivered the Qu’ran to Muhammad, his messenger. By the time that God had finished revealing the Qu’ran, Muhammad had moved to Madinah. Hence ...

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