In the Genesis 2, the second creation, it refers God walking in the garden in the cool of the day. This shows that the image of god walking into the garden is very human one however in the bible it is pictured as being above all creation, responsible for everything in it and the universe itself continuing to exist. Isaiah 40 describes God watching over creation and the people in the creation is compared to grasshoppers in the sight of God. In the Judeao tradition that matters is that God is in control of his creation and is responsible for the creation existing every second of the day. Aquinas pointed out whether the world has a beginning is not major issue, but what matters is that God Cause everything that exist to exist.
In the bible it describes that God create the world out of nothing. It is a key part of the Christian belief in God and the creator is that God created the world out of nothing. This belief is derived from the Genesis and Job: Genesis records God creating the world and people and Job; God is pictured laying the foundations of the earth. The idea of God creating the universe out of nothing is usually referred to as Creatio ex nihilo.
In Genesis1:2 it says that God’s spirit hovers over the formless void and chaos of the waters and controls it. The biblical scholar John Day has pointed out that this is the same ideas as that was found in Psalm 104:26. John Day suggested that God’s’ control of the waters is simply a job of work’. This early idea was then replaced in Christian belief with the idea that God creates out of nothing. The name Creatio ex nihilo today is appealing to many people today as it fits in with the idea of the universe and times all beginning at the big bang.
Omniscience means ‘all-knowing’. From the bible, it stated that god is shown to be all knowing. God the creator knows what he is doing with creation, how is he creating the universe and knows what exactly is happening within the universe. There are several examples in the bible where god is very aware of what happened in the Garden of Eden such as when Eve eats the fruit of the tree of knowledge and good. Second in the bible it stated that God’s omniscience is about the limitless nature of God’s knowledge. God has knowledge of the creation of the earth and how every part of the earth works. For example in Job 38-39 God words to Job emphasises the full extent of God Knowledge, far beyond that of human beings: can you bind the chains of Pleiades, or loose the cords of Orion? Can you lead forth the Mazzaroth in their season, or can you guide the bear with its children? Do you know the ordinances of the heavens? Can you establish their rule on earth? This passage of God’s Knowledge includes that of the stars and understanding the celestial laws-what we today would call the laws of the physics governing the movements of the planets.
Omnipotent means all powerful. Within the philosophy of religion, the meaning of omnipotent is discussed but what is clear within the bible is that omnipotent is a feature of god and it tells people the limitations of nature of god’s power. The word ‘omnipotent is telling the person who reads the bible, that god’s power is present during his creation, this is seen that god is not only pictured as the universe creator, but it also controls day and night, the nature, weather and holds back the sun.
For the Judaeo tradition, god’s power works throughout creation and this is the meaning of omnipotence; the world is held with god’s power and is accepted by the biblical reader without debating.
The philosophers of religion defined this fact of omnipotence as god has the power to do anything that is ideally possible. Aquinas explains that God is ‘active power’ and that ‘his power has no limits’ which echoes the impression of omnipotent in the bible.
Omnipresence is a quality of god which refers to god being present throughout creation. It is linked to omnipotence in the bible. In the Judaeo Christian tradition, god the creator is shown as sustaining all his creation and also being present within creation as all times. It links the fact that god is responsible for everything that exist and continues to exists in the universe. Second God being Omnipresence relates to God being omniscient. Within the bible, God is shown as being omnipresent and aware of what happens as well as being the creator who is separate, an example in the Genesis 3, God is depicted in a human like way as walking in the garden in the cool of the afternoon and aware of Adam and Eve sin. In Job38 God’s presence is everywhere from the stars, weather and animals to the gates of death. It clearly shows the extent of creation being beyond human comprehension but God is present within all creation.