Explain the main challenges to the arguments for the existence of God

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Explain the main challenges to the arguments for the existence of God (35)

Society is becoming increasingly secular, and many view scientific proof with more regard than the traditional arguments for the existence of God. It has often been said that belief in God is, “morally intolerable, intellectually superfluous and emotionally dispensable.” In examining challenges to the arguments for the existence of God, a good place to start is exploring the shortcomings of the teleological argument.

The argument can be divided into two main sections that are closely interlinked: ‘qua purpose’ and ‘qua reality.’ Starting with qua purpose, this branch argues that everything in the universe was designed to fulfil a purpose. The other form, qua reality, suggests there is evidence for a creator in the regularity of the universe. Hume worked on his critique of the teleological argument for some 25 years, culminating in his book, Dialogues concerning Natural Religion. Our world is not like a machine at all since it is composed of vegetables and animals. It is more organic than it is mechanical. Hume also pointed out that intelligence is not the only governing principle behind the world, there are others such as: generation, vegetation, and gravity. So why should one of these not be the dominant principle? Indeed why should different principles not rule over their own natural domains: vegetation in plants, generation in animals, gravity in the movement of the planets? We cannot project from one limited area to another part or to the whole of nature.
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Secondly, the cosmological argument is also far from perfect. This argument claims that all things in nature depend on something else for their existence (i.e. are contingent), and that the whole cosmos must therefore itself depend on a being which exists independently or necessarily - God. Some scholars have argued that Aquinas' arguments rest on assumptions that are no longer widely held, such as a hierarchy of causes. Additionally, if nothing can cause itself how can God be seen as an uncaused causer?

Both Hume and Kant criticised the Cosmological Argument. Hume maintained that we have ...

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