Explain what a study of Religious Experience may reveal about the nature of God. Comment on the significance of this study with reference to the topic you have studied.

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Explain what a study of Religious Experience may reveal about the nature of God. Comment on the significance of this study with reference to the topic you have studied.

It is a non-empirical occurrence that brings with it an awareness of something beyond ourselves. (Tyler and Reid. A religious experience is a conscious experience of when someone encounters the divine. A religious experience is a posteriori; it is experienced it through the five senses. It is therefore subjective and is based on our experience. It is also inductive and has many possible conclusions, hence we have to rely on probability in regards to whether it is true or not. Religious experiences reveal characteristics of what the nature of God may be. At a microcosmic scale the individual who had the religious experience will be convinced that God is responsible for it. They will believe that it reveals much about the traditional theistic concept of God. But at a Macrocosmic scale, where other have heard of the religious experience may believe it not to be a religious experience. If it is an atheist they may disbelieve but if it is a theist they would be consistent with the traditional theistic concepts of God.

William James explained four characteristics of a Religious experience. One is that it has the characteristic of ‘ineffability’ which is a quality similar to Otto’s numinous feelings from the mystical. Cole explains that the ineffable occurrences “defy expression”.  St Teresa of Avila who said that she wishes she could give a description of what she felt from her religious experience, such as the positive pain she felt when an angel came and thrust a spear of fire into her, but found it impossible. God would want to communicate with His creation, so when there are individuals that receive these experiences it would be because God is personal. When someone experiences this new experience which is beyond an adequate description, it supports His transcendent nature. Human language and experience is limited and different to the transcendent world.

Another characteristic from James of a religious experience would be ‘Noetic’. The religious experience seems to reveal some information or knowledge which is “Unobtainable by the intellect alone” (Cole).  It is a revelation gained through the mystical experience and the only answer to it seems to be God. Bernadette of Lourdes asked the vision she saw, who she was and the vision replied that she was the ‘Immaculate Conception’. Bernadette was a peasant girl who had no formal education and therefore lacked academic background. Her parents confirmed that she did not know of such word. The church had agreed on this description for Virgin Mary four years earlier but it was not widely discussed or let out into the public. Additionally, Bernadette was illiterate so it tips the debate in favour of the religious experience being God trying to communicate. God intervenes because He is immanent. He wants to communicate with us through religious experiences.

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A third feature of a religious experience would be that it is ‘transient’. “The religious experience does not last for long” (Cole). It may only last for a few minutes or hours. The moment of the experience is however more significant despite the duration of it. It is comparable to a dream where one may dream something that happened for days whereas the dream itself was only a few hours or minutes long. The experience is remembered vaguely, but is recognised when it reoccurs. The people at Knock witnessed an apparition of the Virgin Mary, St John the evangelist and ...

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