God is most clearly revealed to humanity through scripture. Discuss

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God is most clearly revealed to humanity through scripture. Discuss

Revelation is defined as ‘God revealing himself to people’. What is often discussed is whether God something we discover in our own experiences or is does he discloses himself to us through other sources. Religions such as Christianity claim that God has freely chosen to disclose himself to us. Religious believers would believe there are two ways in which God has chosen to reveal himself to humanity this is by general revelation and special revelation. General revelation refers to the truths that can be known through God’s nature, this might be through observing the creation of universe which shows us Gods power and existence. This is shown in Bible passage, Psalm 19:1-4 reads ‘The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge’. Special revelation is how God has chosen to reveal himself through miraculous means for example through Christ, visions and experiences and the Bible itself. The Bible has many records of god appearing in the physical form, God speaking to people through dreams and being seen in visions. What is often questioned though is whether the Bible is Gods word or is symbolic.

Knowing what is true has been debated by many philosophers, Plato believed we should follow our reason, Aristotle believed experience would give us truth. While Judeo Christians believed revelation was the key to knowing what is true. In this essay I will first look at revelation. Revelation can be recognized through revealed theology and natural theology. Revealed theology is based on religious experiences and scripture. While natural theology uses reason and ordinary experience. A famous example of the latter was put forward by William Paley in his theological argument for the existence of God. He describes an analogy of a watchmaker.

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At one end of the spectrum there is a propositional view of revelation this view that that the Bible contains the word of God and is completely literal The scripture has been divinely dictated and the writer, possibly with some supernatural assistance or guidance such as ‘verbal inspiration’, writes it as best they can. Because the text originates from God, it is completely inerrant. this view is mainly believed by conservative Christians.. A Propositional view would consider the Bible as factual and the events being real in history. Roman Catholics and Protestants both believe the bible was ‘written under ...

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