Hard determinism and the religious approach to ethical living are not compatible"

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Hard determinism and the religious approach to ethical living are not compatible”

Hard determinists hold the view that all our actions are completely governed by previous events: all actions stand at the end of a complex network of prior events, this network includes sociological, psychological, political, religious and cultural influences. The sum total of all these influences is enough to determine all our future actions. The implication of this would be that a person cannot be held morally responsible for their actions. John Locke (1632-1704) uses the idea of the man “locked room” that chooses not to leave the room and upholding the belief that he could in fact exit the room if he wished, to show how all moral chooses are illusionary. Spinoza also wrote on the issue of illusion of freedom, “men think themselves free on account of this alone, that they are conscious of their actions and ignorant of the causes of them.”

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However Christians would disagree with hard by hard determinists: “the eternal decree of god, by which he determined that he wished to make of every man .For he does not create everyone in the same condition, but ordains eternal life for some and eternal damnation for others” (Calvin).  Christians would argue that if are lives are predestined and we do not have free will there would be no point  of the 10 commandments prophets, setting ethical rules in which we have to abide by. If are life’s were predestined then there would be no temptation to sin or the ...

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