1.  ‘Hick’s views on the body/soul distinction are more coherent than those of Dawkins.’ Discuss

As materialists both Hicks and Dawkins are united in the belief that human beings are whole, they oppose the dualist belief that the body and soul are two separate entities, with the soul being able to exist beyond the death of the physical body. Despite their apparent similarities Hick and Dawkins present opposing view points. Hick a ‘soft’ materialist presents the possibility of an afterlife.

Dawkin’s view certainly appear more simplistic: as a  ‘hard’ materialist he presents the view that the only possible way for human beings to exist beyond death is through the continuation of our genes through our offspring.  According to Dawkin life is nothing more than bytes of information continued in DNA.  For Dawkins, the only conceivable theory is that of evolution. We are as we are because of our genetic make up, not the efforts of our souls.

Hick’s view is that a person includes both physical and mental, the human being is therefore a ‘psycho physical unity’. According to Hicks what lives after death is a replica or a duplicate. It is God who creates the replica, once we die. Hick’s views are in keeping with the Christian doctrine of resurrection as outlined by St Paul in 1 Corinthians:  ‘When buried, it is ugly and weak: when raised, it will be beautiful and strong. .....There is, of course, a physical body, so there has to be a spiritual body.’

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During the course of this essay I will attempt to argue that Dawkin’s view is in fact more coherent than Hick’s. I find Hick’s views problematic as it is unclear whether or not the replica, is in fact the deceased person. It would appear that an exact replica is not the same as the original person for there has to be some sort of continuity between the original person and the person of the afterlife.

 Hicks argues that the replica would indeed have the same psychological make up of the original, but does this then make the person the same ...

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