Mass Media Ethics

Journalism and the Code of Ethics


What?  Thesis – Current code is irrelevant to journalists

Why?  Importance of ethics in mass media

How?  A qualitative look

Areas of concern

1. Current Code of Ethics

2. Responsibility of Journalists

3. Forces that motivate Journalists and how this impacts the truth


Current Code of Ethics creates a false perception that Journalists are unbiased.

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There is no need for the current Code of Ethics.

We need to redefine the code in order for it to be effective.

Mass Communication

Mass Media Ethics

Major Essay Topic:

Journalism and the Code of Ethics


Define Ethics

Impact of Journalism in Society

What? The current code is irrelevant to journalists, for they are agents of the mass media employed by those most powerful and influential in society.

Why? Ethics is important in every aspect of life especially important in our communications ...

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