Muslim views on wealth and poverty

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The topic wealth and poverty is very important in Islam.

Humans naturally love wealth and possessions, but Muslims believe that all wealth is created and given to us by Allah and so it belongs to him. Humans can only work hard but any wealth that is given to them is from Allah. Because of this, Muslims believe wealth should be spent on family and also on those who are in need.

What is poverty in Islam

Muslims believe life is a test from Allah, and we can either choose to follow him or follow the path of Shaytan (Satan).

 Muslims believe nothing can happen to them that is outside the plans of Allah. Suffering and pain are part of his plans to test the faith of people.

There are two different types of evil according to Hindus:

Natural evil which is a result of natural processes. Death comes as a result of committing natural evil.

And moral evil. Hindus believe that Hindus just need to commit moral evils such as incest, theft, adultery, lying and murder. They believe this comes from the law of karma.

If a person suffers in this world, it is because of bad karma in a previous life.

 Muslims believe life is a test of obedience to Allah; therefore poverty is a test of patience from Allah. They belief that they are in a wining position because if they don’t have wealth, they are being rewarded for their patience. Non believers do bad things yet they live luxuriously, but Muslims do good and still are poor. This is because they believe that the aim in life is to obey Allah, and their patience will be rewarded, where as non believers, believe that the aim in life is to get as much wealth as possible, which takes them away from the path of Allah, as it says in the Qur’an verse “To Allah we belong and to Him is our return” (2:156).

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What is Wealth in Islam and how does Islam deal with it?

The Muslim ummah is very important in Islam, as we should treat every Muslim as our brothers and sisters so everyone is responsible for one and other, helping the neighbors and being kind to each other.

“O mankind! We made you from a single (pair) of a male and female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that you may despise each other) Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things)”  (49:13)

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