Philosophers have proved conclusively that religious language is meaningful. Discuss

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Siân Aiken

‘’Philosophers have proved conclusively that religious language is meaningful’’.  Discuss.

        The religious language debate is not concerned with whether or not God exists or what God is like.  It’s sole concern is with working out whether religious language means anything or not.

On one hand you have the philosophers who believe you can speak and write about God, because God is reality.  On the other hand, are the Logical Positivists who claim that statements about God have no meaning because they don’t relate to anything that is real.

        There are a number of philosophers who claimed to have proven conclusively that religious language is meaningful, for example Aquinas’ theory of analogy.  An analogy is an attempt to explain the meaning of something which is difficult to understand and forming relations through attributes or relations that are similar.

Aquinas rejected univocal and equivocal language when talking about God.  Religious language often attempts to describe the attributes or qualities of God.  This is hard because God is generally not something we have direct experience of, whereas most of the things that language refers to are things that we can experience e.g. love, walking, hair.  So when we say ’God is good’, we need to know that we are using ’good’ in that sentence.  In univocal terms this would be claiming that God is good in some way that humans are, Aquinas rejected this as he believed God to be perfect.  Because of this, imperfect humans can’t be good in the same way that God is.  In equivocal terms, this would mean that God is good in a totally different way to humans, Aquinas rejected that too.  He argued that if people speak equivocally about God, then it cannot profess to know anything about him as it is saying that the language we use to describe humans or the experienced world around us, doesn’t apply to God.

Aquinas believed that there was a ‘middle way’, to talk meaningfully about God, this was analogy, he described 3 types of analogy; the analogy of attribution, analogy of proper proportion and analogy of improper proportion.  The analogy of attribution is applied when a term, originally used concerning one thing, is applied to a second thing because the one causes the other, e.g. we may speak of someone having a ‘sickly’ look because his or her appearance is the result of a sickness.  Aquinas saw human wisdom as a reflection of God’s wisdom.  God is the source of love and life, therefore it is possible to speak of ‘the living God’ or to say that ‘God loves us’.

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The analogy of proportion occurs when a word is used to refer to a quality that a thing possesses in proportion to the kind of reality it possesses, e.g. a dog is loyal in the way in which dogs are loyal, and humans are loyal in proportion to the loyalty of being human.  Similarly, one can understand God as all-powerful as we have the human idea of power.  God is proportionally more powerful than humans, so we cannot completely understand the idea of God’s omnipotence we can have an insight into God’s power because of our human experience of power.


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