Philosophy - analysis of Nietzsche, Sartre and Tolstoy

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Q18:  What criticisms does Nietzsche have of traditional ‘Christian’ morality and what sort of morals would he rather put in its place? Explain why you do, or don’t, find his arguments to be sound.


  • He believes that humans should not believe in a divine order to have a purpose in life.
  •  Humans in the past have replaced an old myth when it came crashing down with a new myth to keep themselves believing in a higher order as the meaning to life
  • Says it is not enough to realize that “god is dead” but we must also stop thinking about the world in theistic terms
  • Believes the justification we give to many of our practices does not really explain why we do them.
  • Though we have broken through the belief that the world is structured in our belief in God we still think of the world in theological terms where we take the world to have a purpose and the universe to be ordered.

Nietzsche Morals:

- The fact that life might ultimately be meaningless is something that one has to face, and we need to recognize that religion is our justification for many practices.

- We now need to find new explanations and disregard our theistic perception of the world since the practice persists even if their putative justification does not.

- Considered all such morality an expression of our "herd instinct".

- Since what is in its best interest will vary from herd to herd, our morals will vary. 

- Nietzsche argues that there were two different sorts of morality which include : 

*The positive "MASTER" morality that came naturally to the conquering warrior in our history 

*The reactive "SLAVE" morality that developed among the people who had been conquered.

        - The master morality works with intuitive characteristics of 'good' and 'bad' 

        * Good properties being those that were manifestly desirable to members of the conquering class (good looks, strength, honour, wealth, etc) 

        * Bad properties which is the opposite of good being (the ugly, poor, the weak, etc.)

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  • - The slave morality is the one that Nietzsche thinks that produced a "slavish" sort of person who now needs this morality to justify and dress up character traits that would otherwise just seem like weakness. 
  • This life is made to seem better because it is some sort of "eternal reward' up in heaven, but if that is not the case then it might seem as if this sort of life is unbearable. 

This argument is not sound

Q 21: How do Sartre's views relate to Nietzche's writings on the ...

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