Plato's Analogy of the Cave

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“Show what ideas Plato is trying to convey in his Analogy of the Cave” – (25 Marks)

Intro- 3 main ideas

Plato’s analogy of the cave is one of the most famous passages in his “Republic”. It is one the three similes that Plato uses to illustrate his theory of forms. Allegorical, elements of the analogy are symbolical. There is much debate as to how to interpret this analogy amongst philosophers. Plato was trying to convey the idea that our perception of this world is not 100% accurate. That we don't know the reality of our surroundings, we just arrogantly claim to have accurate perception.

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  1. Forms

The distinction is crucial. The world we live is a world of appearances but the real world is a world of ideals, known as forms. World of appearance- imitations of the True Form. By form, Plato meant the idea of what a thing is. The term “thing” can be applied to pretty much anything like a table or a cat but Plato was concerned with “things” like beauty, truth, justice and the Good. It is important to note however that concepts such as beauty can be applied to many different objects.

The forms are said to ...

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