The concept of God is incoherent. Discuss

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Daryan Omar        Philosophy         

The concept of God is incoherent

Omniscience is one of the attributes accredited to god in natural theology; which means that god is all knowing from the Latin ‘omni’ meaning all and ‘scientia’ knowing. When ascribed to god it is meant that god knows everything and it can be considered his perfection that he knows everything. In the Bible it says, ‘even before a word is on my tongue, O Lord, though knowest it altogether’ (Psalm 139:4). Therefore we can gather that believers of Christianity and other classic theistic religions believe this. However a problem rises internally from this assertion; if god is all knowing, then how can we, as humans have any sort of notion designated as free will if he already knows what we are to do? From the aforementioned quote from the bible, one can see that it mentions, god knows what one will say before it is actually said; before the word is in my tongue or the thought in my brain or an action I undertake, god knows the aftermath, thus I can see that I must have no free will, as my future is predetermined.

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Omnipotent another accredited attribute of god is again from the Latin ‘omni’: all and ‘potens’: power. Omnipotent refers to god’s ability of doing anything as he has all power, hence, all-powerful. This gives birth to further more incoherencies, as there are many things that god cannot perform. God cannot create a rock which he cannot fashion a rock which he is unable to elevate, and if he can create this rock, then he can’t elevate the rock as it is a rock which is too heavy for him to lift. Therefore we have discovered things in which he cannot do; ...

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