The founder of situation ethics, Joseph Fletcher felt that the individual should be of paramount concern and that each ethical situation should be judged in its own context.Fletcher wanted to preserve the Christian principle of agape love

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(A) What may be said in favour of situation ethics? [7]

This essay shall discuss what may be said in favour of situation ethics. Firstly it shall discuss scholars that favour it and why. Secondly it shall discuss the features that situation ethics posses that makes it favourable to others. Finally it shall analyse the effect of situation ethics and why people favour to apply it.

The founder of situation ethics, Joseph Fletcher felt that the individual should be of paramount concern and that each ethical situation should be judged in its own context.

Fletcher wanted to preserve the Christian principle of agape love. Fletcher therefore proposed an anapaestic calculus and followed, "love your neighbour as yourself." Fletcher believed that only "one things is instrinclly good - love itself" Therefore a person following situation ethics would take each situation as it came and they would come to a judgment of the situation as responding by assessing the most compassionate option available. Fletcher claimed that Justice is only love in action. Agape love can also be seen to collapse into utilitarianism, "the greater good for the greater number" where "number" is replaced with "love"

Paul Tillich said, "The law of love is the ultimate law because it is the negation of law, it is absolute because it concerns everything concrete. The absolutism of love is its power to go into concrete situations" Situation ethics regards mainly love and situations ethicists believe that if love is involved the outcome is coming from a good place and produces the right choice or result in a situation, which is why it is appealing and favourable by others to apply in a given situation. Tillich believes that is possible to live a life of just love and this will fulfil the major purpose of human existence.

Bishop John Robinson of Woolwich published his book, "Honest to God" in Britain and he argued that man has come to age and therefore does not need the authority of any holy scriptures all that is require is love. Christians in particular would favour situation ethics because if follows one of the two commands, "Love they neighbour as you would love thy self" by applying love to others and all situations a loving result or the most loving consequence would occur. Most people believe that it can choose the least bad approach, unlike the legalistic approach.

Situation ethics is favourable because of its features - its flexible and practical and allows pragmatic decisions to be made when needed to be. Situation Ethics is can able to make tough decisions, where a legalistic perspective : all actions appear to be wrong. It therefore takes into account the complexities of human life. This gives it a dynamism and can free up deadlocked moral dilemmas. A situation ethicist can lay aside all the rules, such as lying, for the better outcome of saving a persons life. It provides an alternative Christian ethic that aligns with the Gospel representation of Jesus. Protestants in particular would favour situation ethics.
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Regardless of what has happed in the past, cases are judged on their own merit individually. For example a teenager may have committed the crime of theft in the past, however over the years has served their sentence and is looking for work, a situation ethicists would not turn them away immediately because of their past, but would judge them regarding their qualification and personality, to see if it best suit's the occupation they are applying for.

In conclusion situation ethics has no rules, therefore nothing can be instrinclly wrong or right, besides the principle of ...

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