Why is the bible important to Christians?
The Bible is an important book to Christians, it is a declaration of their beliefs. It represents a holy book, and a source of authority. Christians believe God speaks to them through the Bible.
The Bible is split into two sections, both these sections are equally important to Christians. The Old Testament is very important because, it show’s where Christianity originated from. Its root’s are in Judaism and Jewish history. The first 5 books are known as the Pentateuch or Torah and are believed to have been written by Moses. The first book of the Old Testament records the Christian account of Gods creation of all things. The Ten Commandments, which are recorded in the Old Testament, form the basis of Christian teaching. In many ways the bible represents a rule book. Consisting of rules that are relevant to life, such as do not kill and do not steal. The bible also tells you how to live your life as a Christian and shows you the difference between good and bad, it shows you the consequences you will face for your actions.