A Baker’s Problem

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Rebecca Thomas

A Baker’s Problem


To investigate and determine the effect of temperature on the ‘proving’ stage of bread making, and to find the optimum temperature for dough incubation prior to baking, so that the baked bread consequently has a light texture.


I predict that if the temperature is too high then there will be less carbon dioxide produced than there would be at a lower temperature. However, if the temperature is too low, then again, less carbon dioxide will be released at this temperature than there would be at a higher one. I therefore predict that the optimum temperature for dough incubation prior to baking, and which will cause the dough to rise the greatest is neither too high nor too low, and is thus approximately 45˚C.

Explanation of Prediction:

Yeast is a unicellular fungus and is capable of respiring both aerobically and anaerobically, depending on the availability of oxygen. For instance, in the presence of oxygen the yeast will respire aerobically, and when oxygen is absent the yeast is able to respire anaerobically.

A Yeast Cell

                                               Cell Wall (cellulose and chitin)


Cell Membrane




Aerobic Respiration

Glucose + Oxygen           Carbon dioxide + Water + 38 ATP

Anaerobic Respiration

Glucose         Ethanol + Carbon dioxide + Heat + 2 ATP

At the top of the test tube, the yeast will be respiring aerobically because oxygen is not limited there. However, at the bottom of the test tube, the yeast will respire anaerobically as oxygen is absent there. Carbon dioxide will be produced from both forms of respiration.

The carbon dioxide produced in these reactions causes the dough to rise (ferment or prove), and the alcohol produced from anaerobic respiration mostly evaporates from the dough during the baking process. The bread will also have a light texture due to the production of carbon dioxide, and the baker will have achieved his aim.

Enzymes are biological catalysts produced in cells, made of protein. They have the ability to increase the rate of chemical reactions, although they are never destroyed nor altered during the reactions. Due to this aptitude, enzymes are extremely efficient, and are commonly described as being ‘reaction specific’. By this, we can understand that enzymes only catalyse a specific reaction to make the product.

The ‘lock and key’ hypothesis can be used to explain the method by which the glucose will react with the yeast enzymes. The yeast enzyme is equivalent to a lock and the substrate, which is glucose, is comparable to a key.

Lock and Key Hypothesis

  1. Substrate - Glucose


                       Active Site                    Substrate – Glucose (key)

         Yeast Enzyme (lock)

  1. Enzyme/substrate complex

Chemical Activity         Glucose molecule and yeast enzyme combine and chemical activity takes place.


        Yeast Enzyme

  1. Products

Glucose molecule splits to form different and less complex molecules, that leave the enzyme to react with other enzymes’ active sites.

         Yeast enzyme is unaltered

         and ready for next glucose molecule. 

Enzymes function at their best at their optimum temperature. If they are heated above their optimum temperature, then there will be a loss of catalytic activity of the yeast enzymes, know as denaturation. The enzymes are denatured because the heat has caused their active sites to lose their original shape. The glucose molecules will be incapable of combining with the active sites, as they will not have the corresponding profile to fit into the active sites. Consequently, the yeast enzymes will be unable to respire the glucose and produce carbon dioxide as a waste gas. Furthermore, the lack of carbon dioxide will result in the bread not rising.

If the temperature is too low then neither the yeast enzymes nor the glucose molecules will have sufficient kinetic energy to cause successful collisions between the glucose and the yeast enzymes active sites. Therefore, the rate at which the yeast enzymes respire the glucose will be slow, causing an inadequate volume of carbon dioxide to be produced. Again, the bread will not rise satisfactorily.

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The ‘lock and key’ hypothesis can also be used to illustrate a denatured enzyme.

Denatured Enzyme

No chemical reaction can occur due to the different profiles of both    the yeast enzyme and the glucose molecule.


Glucose has incorrect shape for the yeast enzyme’s active site and cannot therefore combine to complete the enzyme/substrate complex.


Independent: The temperature at which the yeast enzymes are allowed to respire the glucose molecules.

I will use the following range of temperatures: 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55˚C.

I have selected to investigate these temperatures ...

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