A Colorimetric Method for the Estimation of Glucose in Solution.

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A Colorimetric Method for the Estimation of Glucose in Solution


A clean pipette was used to transfer 10cm of 10% glucose into a boiling tube.

The pipette was then used to transfer 9cm of 10% glucose into a different boiling tube. 1 cm of distilled water was added to give 10cm of 9% glucose.

This was repeated to make 10cm of 8%, 7%, 6%, 5%, 4%, 3%, 2%, and 1% glucose solutions (use the table below to help):

A clean pipette was used to transfer 5 cm of 1M sulphuric acid into each solution.

A clean pipette and pipette filler was used to transfer 2cm of potassium permanganate solution into each boiling tube.

A stopwatch was started the exact moment the potassium permanganate was added to the acidified glucose solutions.

A time was recorded, in seconds for the complete decolourisation of the potassium permanganate solutions.

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Results of Unknowns


Once the potassium permanganate was added to the acidified solution the solution became purple in colour. The solution then gradually changes colour from a strong purple, then through lighter shades of purple onto what at first appears clear but once compared against a white tile it was possible to detect a yellow tinge to it. The timer was then stopped only when the solution became completely clear.

From completing the experiment and producing the graph it is possible to deduce that the lower the strength of the solution the ...

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**** A good account of the investigation with a focus on results and evaluation. Some background to the technique used and, in places, a little more detail would improve the quality of this work.