Amines vs alcohols

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Compare and Contrast the properties and reactions of amines and alcohols.

Amines and alcohols are similar in many aspects including the 3 different structures that can be produced for each, certain chemical properties and the elements within the compounds. However there are also many differences between the 2, including more physical properties, some chemical properties and their synthesis. In the essay I will explore both aspects and draw conclusions from the research I have found.

Firstly the 3 structure for the amines are as follows:

Primary amine - CH3NH2

Secondary amine - (CH3)2NH

Tertiary amine - (CH3)3N

The 3 structures for the alcohols are slightly different however a very similar principle occurs:

Primary alcohols - CH3CH2OH

Secondary alcohols - (CH3)2CHOH

Tertiary alcohols - (CH3)3COH

The main difference between the too structure is that in the amines the functional group is the nitrogen atom (N, NH or NH2) whereas in alcohols it the hydroxyl group (OH).

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Amines contain Hydrogen bonds brought on by the lone pair and the electronegativity of the nitrogen atom, there are also Van der Waals bonds present. Both occur in alcohols too however in alcohols the hydrogen bonding is brought on by the lone pairs of electrons on the oxygen atoms. In amines hydrogen bonding occurs in both primary and secondary but not tertiary as there aren't any hydrogen atoms attached directly to the nitrogen. In alcohol hydrogen bonding occurs in all three structures.

The small amines (short chain) of all 3 structural forms are very soluble in water. ...

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