An Investigation into the effect of caffeine on reaction times

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Sophie Catt        Centre: 64890

Candidate: 5045

An investigation into the effect of caffeine on reaction times and short term memory


To investigate the effect of varying doses of caffeine on performance in simple reaction time and short term memory tests.

Research and Rationale

Having carried out the core practical on the effect of caffeine on the heart rate of Daphnia, I wanted to investigate the effect of caffeine on other functions of the body, and how this effect comes about.

Caffeine is a natural pesticide, found in the leaves, beans and fruit of over 60 plants1, however in humans it acts as a central nervous system stimulant, reducing fatigue and restoring alertness2. It is said to be the most widely used drug in the world, with an average intake of 241mg per person, per day according to a Bristol survey3. I therefore decided to explore how it could affect reaction times and the extent of short term memory, as these are two factors involved in alertness.

It has a similar structure to adenosine, meaning it binds to adenosine receptors in the brain.

Caffeine and adenosine - - 22.10.08

When a nerve impulse travels through the synaptic knob, opening the Ca2+ channels, it triggers the release of adenosine, which is synthesised and stored inside the synaptic knob. Normally, the adenosine acts as a neurotransmitter when it is released into the synapse. It binds to the receptors in the membrane of the postsynaptic neurone, allowing the Na+ channels to open. However, if there is already caffeine in the synapse, it binds to the receptors, blocking the adenosine. The channels do not open4. The diagram on the following page shows this process.

Adenosine is normally released to protect the brain by slowing down neural activity. When caffeine prevents adenosine’s effects, the nerve cells are not restricted in their activity. The adrenal gland (situated above the kidneys) reacts to the increased neuron firing by producing epinephrine (also known as adrenaline), which causes the “fight or flight” symptoms: faster pulse rate, dilated pupils, raised blood pressure, higher blood sugar levels, tensed muscles etc5.

Reduced adenosine activity also contributes to increased dopamine activity5, a neurotransmitter which is a precursor in the production of epinephrine6. Together, these effects increase the levels of epinephrine in the brain. ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder) is caused by a deficiency in dopamine, and its treatments raise dopamine levels7. This suggests that dopamine also plays a part in attention and concentration.

Synapse showing antagonistic action of caffeine on adenosine receptors - -> Book artwork with no labels -> Figure 8.57 - 22/10/08

As well as blocking adenosine receptors, caffeine also blocks the removal of cAMP (cyclic adenosine monophospate) from cells. The build-up of this cAMP prolongs the effects of epinephrine8.


Caffeine will increase the levels of epinephrine and dopamine in the brain, increasing alertness and concentration levels, therefore improving reaction times and short term memory.

Statistics Test

As I am comparing the effect of one continuous variable on another, I will use the Spearman Rank Correlation test. This requires a minimum of 5 pairs of measurements, so I plan to use 6 doses of caffeine, and no caffeine. At the p=0.05 level, the critical value for 7 pairs of measurements is 0.7149. Therefore rs must have a value greater than 0.714, where

rs = 1 – 6 Σ D 2


Null Hypothesis

Caffeine will have no significant effect on the reaction times or short term memory of participants.



The 7 doses I will use range from 0mg to 300mg in 50mg intervals. This is for safety and ethical reasons, because more than 300mg can cause “caffeine jitters”: irritability, anxiousness, restlessness, and/or diarrhoea10. I will give them a medical questionnaire (see appendix A) to sign before taking part in the experiment. I will ask if they have had an adverse reaction to caffeine before, because it is likely that they could react badly to it again. Caffeine causes the heart rate and blood pressure to increase, so I will ask if they have heart problems. In addition, caffeine increases gastric acid production11, which could worsen any stomach ulcers.

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I will use 9 female volunteers aged 16-18. I am using all females instead of a mixture of males and females to control the variable of gender. There are 9 participants so that I will be able to get a reliable set of results and so that any anomalies are obvious.

The participants will be given their dose of caffeine at 9.20am each day, as the drug takes 45-60 minutes to reach its optimum effect. At 10.15am they will use the “Sheep Dash”12 game to test their reaction times, and the “Simon Says”13 game to test their short term memory.


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Grammar and punctuation good. Spelling mainly good apart from one or two words e.g. practise should be practice.

The background and hypothesis and scientific reasoning behind the experiment are analysed and explained to a very high level. Choice of statistical test is adequate. Uses a selection method and tries to rule out anything that could be a confounding factor a level that I would expect of only the highest of A level candidates. Addresses any adverse affects caused by the caffeine very well indeed. Carry out a preliminary test to have a guideline and also to add on any other factors. Conclusion and overall analysis which include a range of statistical tests and graphs are all very good.

An outstanding example for the level I would expect for A level biology. The introduction and hypothesis are very good with a very high level of detail. The main body and conclusion are also completed to a very high level of detail with a clear response throughout the essay.